Registration Under 2 (f) and 12 (b) wide letter No. 8-462/2018 (CPP-I/C) Dt. 29 January 2020.
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Bachelor of Arts

First Year Bachelor of Arts (F.Y.B.A.)

Semester I and II

Compulsory –

  • Communication Skill in English
  • Foundation Courses
  • Compulsory Marathi

Core Options

Group I: 01101

  • Hindi- I
  • English- I
  • Economics- I

Group II: 01102

  • Marathi- I
  • Hindi- I
  • Economics- I

Group III: 01103

  • Marathi- I
  • Hindi- I
  • Geography- I

Group I: 01101

  • Hindi- I
  • English- I
  • Economics- I

Group II: 01102

  • Marathi- I
  • Hindi- I
  • Economics- I

Group III: 01103

  • Marathi- I
  • Hindi- I
  • Geography- I

Second Year Bachelor of Arts (S.Y.B.A.)

Semester III and IV

Compulsory –

  • Foundation Course- II
  • Advertising

Core Options

Group I: 01301

  • Hindi- II and III
  • Marathi- II and III
  • Economics- II and II

Group II: 01302

  • Hindi- II and III
  • English- II and III
  • Economics- II and III

Group III: 01303

  • Hindi- II and III
  • English- II and III
  • Geography- II and III

Group IV: 01304

  • Hindi- II and III
  • Marathi- II and III
  • Geography- II and III

Group V: 01305

  • Marathi- II and III
  • English- II and III
  • Economics- II and III

Group VI: 01306

  • Marathi- II and III
  • English- II and III
  • Geography- II and III

Third Year Bachelor of Arts (T.Y.B.A.)

Semester V and VI

Core Options

Group I: 01501

  • Marathi IV to VI
  • Geography IV to VI

Group II: 01502

  • Marathi IV to VI
  • Economics IV to VI

Group III: 01503

  • Hindi IV to VI
  • Geography IV to VI

Group IV: 01504

  • Hindi IV to VI
  • Economics IV to VI

Group V: 01505

  • English IV to VI
  • Geography IV to VI

Group VI: 01506

  • English IV to VI
  • Economics IV to VI

Copyright © 2024, Laxmibai Sitaram Halbe College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Dodamarg